Work process

Established processes within a company that serve to achieve specified goals.
A work process includes precisely defined tasks and is result-oriented. Activities within a work process are carried out according to predetermined methods or defined rules. The intermediate and final results are subject to internal and external controls.
A work process requires special knowledge and processing time.
Examples: material processes, information processes, service processes, management processes, operational processes, core or support processes, innovation processes.
Process chain: The individual activities and processes of a company are linked to form comprehensive processes.

See also:

Process optimization; Product management; Quality management; Continuous improvement process; Enterprise resource planning; Re-engineering; Process management

Reference to QET guidelines:
Q13 Succession; Q14 Resources; Q15 Processes; Q16 Flexible Organisation; Q20 CIP; E05 Data Protection

Reference to QET Module M04 Business Processes

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