Work and family

In view of falling birth rates, family friendliness is becoming a key competitive factor for Germany's future viability. The decision to have children is often not compatible with the realities of the working world. A better balance between family and work is needed (work-life balance).
Family-friendly measures pay off for companies, for example because
* the majority of employees want to combine a successful professional life and a happy family life
* the economy depends on the knowledge of men and women
* satisfied parents work better, more motivated, more productively and more concentrated in companies
* because mothers and fathers acquire important skills for their careers in the family
* qualified workers can be recruited and retained
* the company can achieve cost advantages and innovations
* family-friendly companies are perceived as attractive and responsible employers
* more children mean growth, prosperity and the best investment in the future.
The company can demonstrate family friendliness through measures such as:
* Training of mentors for the design and support of family-friendly workplaces
* When looking for qualified staff, also offer jobs to spouses and partners (dual career)
* flexible working hours
* Part-time offers
* Special leave for relatives in need of help and care
* Take into account holiday planning of families with school-age children
* Create or support childcare facilities
* Reintegration after pregnancy and parental leave
* Parental leave for fathers
* Enable teleworking at home.
Joint company parties, sports and cultural events, and health campaigns can help to integrate families into the company.

See also:
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR); Working Hours; Working Climate; Diversity Management; Work Stress
Reference to QET guidelines:
E10 Work-life balance; E12 Female quota; Q02 Social skills
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