Cloud Computing

Cloud computing makes IT infrastructures (computing capacity, data storage, service programs, software solutions, programming environments, etc.) available over a network. It is a diverse IT service that is virtually "out of the socket". Well-known examples of a global IT service are email and Dropbox. Google has been providing free storage space (5 gigabytes) since 2012.
Due to the relatively short history of "cloud computing", there is still no clear definition of the term. Likewise, various articles repeatedly contain different sketches of the architecture. A common form of representation is in three layers:
* Infrastructure
* Platform
* Application.
The concept can be simplified as follows: A part of the IT landscape (e.g. hardware such as data centers, data storage and software such as mail or collaboration software, development environments, but also special software such as customer relationship management (CRM)) is no longer operated or provided by the user themselves, but is rented as a service from one or more providers. The applications and data are then no longer located on the local computer or in the company data center, but in the "cloud".
Access to the service systems is via a network, such as the Internet. Some companies also have so-called "private clouds" where the service is provided via an internal company intranet. Most providers of cloud solutions use the pooling effects that arise from the shared use of resources for their business model.

See also:
Strategic management; innovation management; re-engineering; open innovation; ICT management
Reference to QET guidelines:
Q06 Change Management; Q18 Innovations; T13 ICT
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