Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

Responsible entrepreneurs take on social responsibility internally and externally and make it an integral part of their corporate culture. Social responsibility begins in the company itself, with management, employees, environmental awareness, and extends to consumers and commitment to the community. The company also has social responsibility for producers/suppliers throughout the entire supply chain.
CSR is playing an increasing role in companies' global activities. Since 2004, Stiftung Warentest has been evaluating "the assumption of responsibility along the entire value chain with regard to social and ecological issues" for many products and examines production and manufacturing facilities abroad.
For example, in a washing machine test conducted by Stiftung Warentest, a separate CSR test was carried out in addition to the quality test. 35 criteria were defined and evaluated in the four subject areas "Social/Employees", "Social/Production and Manufacturing", "Environment" and "Consumers and Society". Examples from the criteria catalogue:
Employee representation, job security, working time models, health promotion, family friendliness, equal opportunities, apprenticeships, proportion of women, severely disabled people, further training, compliance with minimum social standards, etc. Culture as another CSR area. Taking on social responsibility in the cultural sector is increasingly seen as another area of ​​CSR. The now established term "Corporate Cultural Responsibility" was introduced for this. Companies can benefit in many ways by supporting cultural projects, including through social recognition, appreciation from customers and suppliers and also by strengthening the quality of the location for recruiting workers. (See also "Sustainability")

See also: Work and family; Demographic change; Social skills; Corporate mission statement; Company integration; Fair trade; Integration of people with disabilities; Global sourcing; Working time arrangements; Contract culture; Health management; Fairness; Customer management; Leadership; Employee participation; Transparency; Ethics/corporate ethics; Data protection; Code of conduct; Honest businessman; ISO 26000

Reference to QET guidelines: Q02 Social skills; Ethics 20; T01 Guidelines; T02 CI

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