Strategic management

(also: strategic management) refers to the planning, implementation and analysis of the content-related goals and directions of companies. The time horizons in strategic management usually cover two to five years. Strategic management is based on the following strategic success factors, among others:
- Where does strategic planning take place (at the top or elsewhere in the hierarchy)?
- Is the goal profit maximization or are other goals also being pursued? - Should standard strategies be developed and specified or should the focus be on describing and analyzing real processes? The analysis of the success of corporate strategies takes the following aspects into account:
- market-based aspect - resource-based aspect - relational aspect (related to one's own strategy alternatives or strategies of competitors).

See also: Corporate management; Corporate objectives; Corporate mission statement; Change management; Risk management; Due diligence; Global sourcing; Corporate governance; Open innovation; Employer branding; Leadership

Reference to QET guidelines: Q06 Change Management; Q07 Human Resources Management; Q15 Processes; Q16 Flexible Organisation; Q19 Risk Management; Q17 Learning Organisation; Q18 Innovation; T01 Guidelines; T10 Suppliers; T16 SWOT

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