Corporate culture

This is generally understood and also in the QET context:

- Values, norms and rules of conduct of a company, possibly documented in the company mission statement

- the behaviour of managers and employees in everyday business

- dealing with customers, business partners and the public

- Symbols and artifacts that make some aspects of the corporate culture visible.

Corporate culture is the "DNA" of a company. It is a collection of traditions, values, rules and attitudes that form the context for everything that is done and thought in an organization.
Because managers are distinguished by their leadership role, they have a major influence on employees and business processes in developing and maintaining the corporate culture.

In small and medium-sized companies, the corporate culture is decisively shaped by the early managers, especially by the owners.
The standard here is identification with the company, being a role model and personal commitment to the company. The competitive position, financing options, corporate strategy and succession planning are determined by the personality of the entrepreneur.
See also:
Corporate mission statement; ethics/corporate ethics; corporate goals; value orientation; corporate identity; diversity management; employee management; code of conduct; contract culture; honorable businessman; leadership
Reference to QET guidelines:
QET Basic Values
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